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Pubblicato il 2024-06-03


È fondamentale mettersi in relazione con tutta la rete di portatori di interesse di CAP4AgroInnovation, coinvolgendo nelle iniziative anche coloro che gestiscono altri progetti co-finanziati tramite il programma IMCAP o tramite programmi che supportano la diffusione della conoscenza e dell'innovazione in campo agricolo, ispirati dai principi dell'AKIS.

Perciò in questa pagina elenchiamo sia i progetti che abbiamo già segnalato o con cui stiamo intessendo relazioni proficue, sia le iniziative che hanno visto lo staff di CAP4AgroInnovation coinvolto in momenti di confronto e divulgazione con la società civile, le scuole, il mondo agricolo.

🇬🇧 It is essential to establish relationships with the entire network of CAP4AgroInnovation stakeholders, also involving in the initiatives those who manage other projects co-financed through the IMCAP program or through programs that support the diffusion of knowledge and innovation in the agricultural field, inspired by the principles of AKIS. Therefore on this page we list both the projects that we have already reported or with which we are establishing profitable relationships, and the initiatives that have seen the CAP4AgroInnovation staff involved in moments of discussion and dissemination with civil society, schools and the agricultural world.

🇪🇺Programmi IMCAP

Online, 08/2024 • IMCAP Projects

Click on the names to access the websites: "A Revived CAP: CAPitalising on the National Strategic Plans", "B-RURAL Boosting the RURAL world", "CAP Green Zone: Be organic!", "FUTURAGRI - Realizing the vision for the Portuguese agriculture and rural areas through CAP", "PAC_GAIA, The Journey", "Sustainable agricultural sectors for sustainable food" --> LinkedIn Newsletter #12 (August 23rd).

Online, 05/06 - 2024 • AgriNet4Education - Gruppo Icaro

News and social media. Link: https://t.me/CAP4AgroInnovation/78 + https://agronotizie.imagelinenetwork.com/agricoltura-economia-politica/2024/06/14/l-agricoltura-italiana-in-dieci-puntate-televisive/84103 

Online, 06/2024 • Euractiv Agri

Online #euAgrifood • 4/6/2024. Link: https://x.com/ImageLine1504/status/1797584319281783118

Online, 05/2024 • FoodLab - TGCom24

News + social. Link: https://x.com/ImageLine1504/status/1795858326606983676 

Online, 19/01/2024 • SmartPac - UCI

News. Link: https://agronotizie.imagelinenetwork.com/agricoltura-economia-politica/2024/01/19/smartpac-un-progetto-per-informare-tutti-sulla-politica-agricola-comune/81057 

Programmi/progetti di "agroinnovazione" in Italia

Napoli, 29/05/2024 • Centro Nazionale Agritech

CAP4AgroInnovation è stato presentato nell'ambito dell'iniziativa SmartWine da Image Line, che ha ricordato il podcast "Coltiviamo innovazione".

🇬🇧 CAP4AgroInnovation was presented as part of the SmartWine initiative by Image Line, which recalled the podcast "Let's grow innovation".

LINK: https://x.com/ImageLine1504/status/1795856601707925609 

Online, 1°/2/2024 • Regione Toscana/CIA Agricoltori Italiani

Pubblicato il podcast https://x.com/agronotizie/status/1753085844452175889 che racconta una bella storia di innovazione a supporto del benessere animale e del recupero delle aree marginali.

🇬🇧 The podcast https://x.com/agronotizie/status/1753085844452175889 has been published which tells a beautiful story of innovation in support of animal welfare and the recovery of marginal areas.


Programmi/progetti di ricerca a livello Europeo

🇬🇧 Research programs/projects at European level

ModernAkis e Attractis (Horizon Europe)

Un approfondimento dedicato ai progetti è stato realizzato su AgroNotizie (Link: https://agronotizie.imagelinenetwork.com/agricoltura-economia-politica/2024/04/12/agricoltura-e-foreste-un-supporto-in-piu-per-innovare/81658) e tramite il podcast "Coltiviamo innovazione". Vedi anche il rilancio a cura dello staff del portale di ModernAkis: https://modernakis.eu/modernakis-on-the-coltiviamo-innovazione-podcast/ 

🇬🇧 An in-depth analysis dedicated to the projects was carried out on AgroNotizie (Link: https://agronotizie.imagelinenetwork.com/agricoltura-economia-politica/2024/04/12/agricoltura-e-foreste-un-supporto-in-piu-per-innovare/81658) and through the podcast "Let's cultivate innovation". See also the relaunch by the staff of the ModernAkis portal: https://modernakis.eu/modernakis-on-the-coltiviamo-associazione-podcast/ 

EU-Farm Book (Horizon Europe)

Rilancio del progetto attraverso i canali di Image Line - CAP4AgroInnovation: https://x.com/ImageLine1504/status/1755542844154974297 

🇬🇧 Relaunch of the project through Image Line channels - CAP4AgroInnovation