
Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.


CAP4AgroInnovation is the new project promoted by Image Line with the support of the European Union (IMCAP Programme) in order to inform citizens about the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).

The keywords that summarize the aim of the project are young farmers, agriculture financing (thanks to funds for rural development), digital agriculture and, of course, innovation in agriculture (indeed, we like to talk about agro-innovation!)


The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is the EU's longest-standing policy which aims to provide accessible, safe and high-quality food to the greatest number of people, guarantee a fair standard of living for farmers, preserve natural resources and the environment. The new CAP for the period 2023-2027 is based on 10 main objectives which represent the beacons for the implementation of a system based on good agricultural practices, including innovation and knowledge.

The current political-economic situation, characterized by strong uncertainty, has shed new light on the role of agriculture in ensuring food security, but several gaps still remain in understanding the real impact that agriculture and the policies that support it have on society as a whole.

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To address these gaps, CAP4AgroInnovation will launch a variety of informational and awareness-raising initiatives aimed at Italian citizens, highlighting the role of the CAP in fostering innovation for competitive and sustainable agriculture from both environmental and social perspectives. With a particular focus on the younger generation, the project will develop a training program tailored for students, teachers, and young researchers. This program will provide interactive and engaging materials, activities, and tools to help them interpret the CAP and grasp its significance not only for agricultural innovation but for the evolving society as a whole.

Additionally, the project will implement informational campaigns using both innovative and traditional formats to reach the widest possible audience, emphasizing innovation in agriculture and the policies that support it. Ultimately, CAP4AgroInnovation will make a significant contribution to the Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System (AKIS). Mutual learning and the sharing of agricultural knowledge will be central to this initiative. Researchers, farmers, and citizens will be engaged at various levels in the project's diverse activities.

Activities: from podcasts to social media, to tell how to implement 'agroinnovation' thanks to the CAP

Based on the European scenario highlighted by the available literature and the needs analysis conducted within the ParteciPAC and ParteciPAC22 projects, CAP4AgroInnovation will promote various initiatives aimed at the general public, emphasizing the role of the CAP in driving structural change in the agricultural sector.

Work plan

  • WP1: Project management and coordination activities, including general and strategic coordination, management of administrative, financial and legal, as well as operational and technical activities;
  • WP2: Education for AgroInnovation: training course for high school and university students, including events, content and educational materials, an exhibition on agriculture curated by students, as well as prizes aimed at students and young researchers.
  • WP3: Information for AgroInnovation, including community management activities, social media and instant messaging, production of podcasts, videos and articles.
  • WP4: Dissemination and communication of the project, including activities aimed at promoting the project and its results, as well as ensuring broad involvement in the project initiatives.
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Three online events will be dedicated to students and professors of agricultural institutes. These events will deepen their understanding of the connection between agriculture, landscapes, and rural areas, and, with the assistance of experts, explore the potential of agriculture in combating climate change.

Agricoltura e Sviluppo rurale

Lunedì 15 gennaio 2024 - ore 15:00

Le aree rurali in Italia occupano circa il 90% della superficie nazionale. La PAC contribuisce al tessuto economico di queste aree, sostenendo l'agricoltura e anche altre attività. Ci facciamo aiutare in questo webinar da un esperto per conoscere meg...

Agricoltura e lotta al cambiamento climatico

Martedì 6 febbraio 2024 - ore 15:00

Le conseguenze del cambiamento climatico sono sempre più evidenti. L'agricoltura è responsabile del 25% delle emissioni, ma ha anche grandi possibilità di sequestro della CO2. In questo webinar avremo come ospite un esperto per scoprire come l'agrico...

Agricoltura e Paesaggio

Venerdì 15 dicembre 2023 - ore 15:00

Le colline verdi, i filari di viti, i campi di grano sono tutti elementi che caratterizzano il nostro paesaggio. Ci facciamo aiutare in questo webinar da un esperto, per capire meglio le profonde connessioni che l'agricoltura ha con il paesaggio.

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In the News

Here you will find a curated collection of articles and mentions that reflect the echo of our project in different media. Each entry is a window into the impressions and impact we have generated.

  • I

    Coltiviamo innovazione" is an exhibition conceived thanks to Muse's collaboration with Image Line and is part of CAP4Agroinnovation, a project co-funded by the European Union that was created to convey innovation in agricultural

  • I
    IL TRENTINO09/05/2024

    From May 10, 2024, MUSE Agora will host the exhibition "Let's Cultivate Innovation" conceived thanks to MUSE's collaboration with Image Line, as part of the "CAP4AgroInnovation - the CAP to Cultivate Innovation" project, co-funded by the European Union.

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    MUSE - Museo delle Scienze02/05/2024

    A new project chronicling the new frontiers of agriculture between technologies, sustainability and the fight against climate change lands at MUSE Agora. The exhibit, created with Image Line and five agricultural schools, is part of the CAP4AgroInnovation project.

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    The special CAP4AgroInnovation prize, worth 1,000 euros, has been established. Image Line will award this prize to the publication that best analyzes the contribution of the CAP to the topic under consideration.

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    Here is the first episode of the new podcast 'Let's Grow Innovation!' (...) Our journey into the most innovative agriculture begins here, an agriculture that is already a reality.

  • A

    The National Academy of Agriculture and Image Line announce the launch of the fifth edition of the 'Filippo Re Award - Environment, Economy, Territory and Society'. The new edition includes the special recognition CAP4AgroInnovation.